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Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of The State Council Han Zheng investigated optical Valley

Release Time:2020-09-16     Views:

Abstract: from September 14 to 15, Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, investigated Wuhan East Lake National Independent demonstration zone. He visited the Optics Valley Exhibition Center to learn about the planning and construction of the East Lake National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, and talked with the heads of five key enterprises, including YOFC, Raycus , DOUYU, Exsun and Ankon, to learn about the resumption of production, production and operation, technology research and development, etc.


Vice Premier Han Zheng pointed out that Hubei and Wuhan firmly implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, co-ordinate and promote normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and economic and social development. The situation of resuming work and resuming production is better than expected, and the economy continues to recover steadily. We should vigorously promote the effective implementation of the central government's policies to support Hubei's economic and social development, do a solid job in the "six stabilities", fully implement the "six guarantees", give full play to our advantages, boost confidence, strengthen the construction of innovation system and innovation capacity, promote the continuous improvement of ecological environment quality, take back the lost time and make up for the losses caused by the epidemic situation, Strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development.



Fu Cheng, chairman of Yixun company, reported the application of "5g + Beidou" to Vice Premier Han Zheng.


Mr. Ying Yong, Secretary of CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, Mr. Wang Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Governor of Hubei Province, Mr. Wang Zhonglin, Standing Committee member of CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Secretary of CPC Wuhan Municipal Committee, and Mr. Wang Xiangwang, Standing Committee Member of CPC Wuhan Municipal Committee and Secretary of CPC Working Committee of East Lake New Technology Development Zone accompanied them in the investigation.

                                                                    The article is reproduced from CCTV news Broadcast


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